
… and Thanks!

Updated 4/06

A copy of the Concordia Trilglotta to track down quotes from it by Piepkorn.

I need the following to search them for anything (including book reviews) by Piepkorn. I can view them in a library, but if they are bound into volumes, it is harder to make the good photocopies needed for optical character recognition software even with the book copiers they now have:

Some back issues of Response in Worship Music and the Arts

Selected back issues ofUna Sancta: All prior to 1945

1955: I have only Lent and Advent

1958: I have only Epiphany and Advent

Any published after March 1970.

These issues of Concordia Theological Monthly: I have since obtained six of these. 
1942: Feb-Dec 
1943: All but May 
1944: Feb, Mar 
1946: Jan, Oct 
1947: Jan 
1948: Jan 
1951: All 
1952: All but Jun and Jul 
1953: Feb, Aug, Sep, Nov and Dec 
1955: Feb, May 
1957: Mar, Apr 
1958: Jan

Any articles by Piepkorn in books or in journals other than CTM, Una Sancta, the American Lutheran.


Thanks to the following who have donated or loaned books or journals or copies of Piepkorn articles, etc. to the Center:

Albert H. Buehlow, Jim Butler, Ben Eicher, John Hannah, Edgar Krentz, John Huber, Paul Sauer, John and Rachael Schettenhelm, Scott Schuett, Robert C. Schultz, Richard Skov, and Paul Wildgrube. Carl Anton is deserving of special mention for donating a complete set of the American Edition of Luther’s Works, enabling the Center to give cross references to that edition for quotations from Luther!

Thanks also to the following who have made cash donations eiher outright or by deliberately paying more than they owed, or by accidentally overpaying and then but telling the Center to “keep the difference”: 
Albert Buehlow, Martin Casey, James Corgee, Anthony Dodgers, David Fedderson, and Walt Harper.

Special thanks is due to Professor David Berger and his staff at the Concordia Seminary Lutheran Libray for the excellent assistance they have given with research and photocopying!

My apologies to any whom I have neglected to include.